AdSiF IDE - AgenaBST



Simulation and intelligent agent programming integrated development environment

It provides an integrated development process and related tools for an agent-based simulation system, covering the process from requirements analysis to simulation operation. AdSiF.IDE diagrams, integrated with computer aided software engineering tools and diagrams, conform to the UML 2.0 standard.


Providing graphical programming, the product offers developers an integrated conceptual model and ontological description with the programming diagrams it provides. The diagrams and diagrams it provides are as follows;


Event library diagram Messages that convey information and/or trigger behavior between models. Event identification, event parameter and type declarations are performed with the diagram.
Unit library diagram Units related to the conceptual world description are defined. Conversion definitions between units are executed.
Predicates library Artificial intelligence algorithms, reasoning techniques and declarations of knowledge structures are carried out.
Model library Model definitions; It includes attribute definitions, function definitions, attribute subscription and publishing definitions, class definitions.
  Behaviour diagramı It contains behavior and state diagrams of the model. It contains the behavior semantics of the model.
  Behavior lists (Aspects) diagram The categorization of the behaviors of the model according to different aspects is carried out (Aspect Oriented programming).
  Relation based programming The declarations of the behaviors and functions to be executed in the defined phases of the relations established between the models are made.
  Trace agents It contains the declarations of the data structures to be recorded during the run.
  Reasoning algorithms call scripts Call specifications of logic programming constructs are defined.
Deployment diagram Dynamic libraries containing model codes are defined.
Scenario definition diagramı Scenario design is carried out using the defined conceptual model.
Scenario execution (simülation execution) diagramı Scenarios defined by scenario diagrams are operated in scenario operating diagrams.



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