About Us

Agena Bilişim ve Savunma Teknolojileri A.Ş. is a technology company established in August 2009 with completely domestic capital, primarily to serve the defense industry for the purpose of R&D, software and product development in the fields of simulation technologies and sensor technologies. Since 2019, it has added unmanned aerial vehicles to its working areas.

Agena’s founding partners and consultants have both academic and practical experience in the defense and informatics sector, and most of this knowledge includes dozens of project experiences focused on design, research and development.

Agena BST, whose main goal is to “produce”, has always made it its mission to be positioned at a leading point in the field of technology in our country with new projects and products that follow the agenda and fill the gaps. For this purpose, it cooperates with universities, research institutions and other companies, “Researches”, “Develops”, “Produces” and “Supports”.

15R&D Projects
5MillionLines of Code

Fields of Activity

Agena Information and Defense Technologies Inc. As its name suggests, it operates in the Defense and Informatics sectors, and has given priority to taking part in the IT projects of the defense industry, which is the intersection of these two. The developments achieved thanks to the defense sector, which always pushes advanced technology, are also evaluated in the civilian field.

Basically, Agena BST operates in the following areas where deep experience provides expertise.

  • Modeling and simulation,
  • Radar and sensor systems,
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Image processing applications.


Among the works carried out/participated in the professional life of AgenaBST before the establishment of AgenaBST, regarding defense and space technologies, which is the locomotive of our country in the field of technology;

  • Development of air defense modeling and simulation system,
  • Performing radar cross-sectional area (RCA) models and analyzes of various air and naval platforms,
  • Development of software that calculates RKA,
  • Development of agent-based simulation framework,
  • Developing a naval game simulation system,
  • Submarine simulator,
  • Development of gun fire control system simulation system,
  • Development of optical laser radar based obstacle detection system for helicopters,
  • Developing a hand-held multi-sensor mine detection system,
  • Developing a border surveillance and control simulation system,
  • Asset (sensor, communication system, weapon, platform, etc.) modelling,
  • Image-based object detection and classification
  • Sensor coverage and placement optimization
  • Developing MOBESE application with license plate recognition system
  • Developing safe passage application for sites with license plate recognition system

exists. Therefore, Agena BST’s activities in the defense and information industry were initiated and developed within the framework of these issues.

Vision and Mission

Our vision

To be one of the leading solution centers of our country in the production and integration of defense industry applications of information technologies and especially information technology in the light of total quality management philosophy

Our Mission

To develop applications in parallel with advanced technological developments that will increase national interest and technology accumulation in the field of informatics, to provide products and solution services at international quality standards.

Our Duties

Based on continuous development and change,

Contributing to society

Customer oriented work

Giving importance to social value expectations,

Ensuring information security,

Giving importance to teamwork,

Paying attention to occupational health and safety,

Environmental protection,

Meaning of The Word Agena

Agena (Turkish): Brother friend (TDK, Turkey Turkish Dialects Dictionary)

Agena (astronomy): Another name for the Beta Centauri star, also known as Hadar. It is the second brightest star in the Centaurus constellation and the tenth brightest star in the southern hemisphere. This name was used in the visualization of the constellation Centaurus because it corresponds to the centaur’s knee (A-gena means knee in Latin). In fact, Agena (or hadar) is not a single star but a triple star. It was first seen as two stars, Hadar B and Hadar A, and as a result of detailed investigations, Hadar A was found to be a double star.

Agena provides navigation in the southern hemisphere, such as Polaris (the pole star) in the northern hemisphere.

Agena (astrology): 23 degrees 06′ Scorpio. It has the character of Venus and Jupiter. Symbols of success. Bernadette Brady associates this star with making the necessary sacrifices to make progress happen. The star, then, is about making the necessary sacrifices to correct and improve a goal and issue pursued. Many interpretations consider Venus/Jupiter’s association with Agena as a benevolent influence.

Company History


Change of Type

Agena cannot fit into its shell after 11 years of operation. With the change of type, it changed its status to A.Ş. and continues on its way stronger.



T.R. We have been evaluated within the framework of the EYDEP program carried out by the Presidency of Defense Industries, and we have been awarded the EYDEP certificate.


Facility Security Certificate

T.R. MSB Technical Services Also. As a result of the application we made to the President, it was seen that we met the necessary conditions and our Facility Security Certificate was issued.


Military Factories Approved Supplier

As a result of the inspections carried out after our application, we became the Approved Supplier of the General Directorates of Military Factory and Shipyards.


Technopark Istanbul

We completed the furnishing works in our office that we took over on 25.11.2013, we moved Istanbul-Maltepe and Ankara Cyberpark offices to Teknopark Istanbul and we continue all our activities here.


Aselsan Approved Supplier

Our company has become the approved supplier of Aselsan as a result of the project studies and inspections carried out.


Ankara Cyberpark Office

Our branch was opened in Ankara Cyberpark. The R&D projects we are carrying out will be able to be carried out more easily and reach large masses with the technopark facilities.


Our Quality Management System

Our Quality Management System has been established and as a result of the inspections, our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification has been completed.



Agena Information and Defense Technologies San. Trade Ltd. Şti., based in Maltepe – Istanbul, was founded by 3 founding partners and started its commercial life.

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