Software Development

Our company can provide software development services with its deep software development experience. According to the needs of the project, Agile methods can be applied in accordance with the ISO/EN 12207 standard, and although it has become obsolete, documentation in accordance with the MIL-STD498 standard, which is still used in the defense sector.

Many software development tools/technology such as SVN, Jira, Jenkins, Sikuli, CMake, DOORS, BugTracker, Visual Studio, Linux gcc, C++, Java, C#, Python, UML, Enterprise Architect, Model IO, Eclipse are actively used in our company.

So far, software that requires high engineering depth has been developed in our company:

  • EtSiS Simulation infrastructure
  • RCA Analysis
  • SAR Simulator
  • Quasistatic FDTD
  • AdSif-IDE integrated development environment
  • Tactical Environment Simulation software
  • Such as system activity analysis laboratory software

Here, EtSiS Simulation infrastructure is in a more special position with some features than others. EtSiS defines a declarative scripting language for simulation (albeit also universal) and works as a simulation operating kernel. Defined language and simulation operating tool; It combines the

  • Object Oriented Programming,
  • Aspect Oriented Programming and
  • Logic Programming paradigms

and introduces a software development paradigm that we call “State Oriented Programming”.

Considering all these aspects; EtSiS is not just a software, it is a product much more than software. The fact that it defines a language and can develop software with it, offers an infrastructure that runs the developed software, while doing this, putting the product at a very high level in terms of software engineering.

AdSiF-IDE, which was developed to be implemented in the language defined by EtSiS and in simulation development applications, is in the model and simulation software development process; It covers the entire software life cycle, starting from requirements analysis, ontological description, conceptual design, software design, software development with graphical tools, traceability tracking, scenario definition/gDevelopment and even simulation operation.


  • Easy to use/learn with its UML 2.0 compliant structure
  • It presents a method and design templates that include “best practices” in simulation projects.
  • It can also be used as a computer aided software engineering (CASE) tool similar to Rhapsody with its features

In order to facilitate the interoperability features naturally provided by EtSiS in the conceptual world, the RPR-FOM Adapter product offered to users has also been developed in a library structure. In this way, users create two separate federations for two different KMs and facilitate integration between these federations by reflecting the dual of entities in the other conceptual world.

AgenaGIS, which we have created with the use, integration and development of various open source libraries, has added both a new product and an important software development experience to our company with its basic GIS operations as well as tactical image display, symbology and 3D asset display and many other features.

Switch The Language

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