GET DETAILED INFO Can be integrated into all your simulation applications GET DETAILED INFO Tactical Training Simulation and
Tactical Field Simulation
PLATFORM models: Air, sea and land. SENSOR Models; radars, cameras, LRF, MWS, RWS, IR. COMMUNICATION Models; RF devices, phones, link and IFF. Command and Control Models, Damage models, Weather and environmental models, and much more... DISCOVER Wargame Model Library With the state-oriented programming and graphical software development environment, model and simulation development now requires less coding. Conceptual Model definition, ontological description, traceability, model/scenario definition and simulation operation all in one environment. DISCOVER AdSiF-IDE Reduce your visibility with our RCS analysis and expertise, EMSAR; generates SAR images of platforms. DISCOVER AgeRAS Simulation language and infrastructure;
supporting domain-independent, discrete,
continuous event and hybrid simulation applications
DISCOVER AdSiF, Agent Based Simulation System

We are proud to have made significant contributions to our country and our stakeholders since 2009.

15R&D Projects

We develop new products in our country with completely domestic and national R&D projects and contribute to their development.

5millionLines of Code

More than 5 million lines of C++ code have been developed in the product development studies and projects carried out in our organization so far.

Our founding partner Assoc. Dr. M. Fatih Hocaoğlu has completed his 30th year in the profession. Hocaoğlu, who spent his entire academic and professional life working on simulation, worked with Prof Ziegler at Univ. Worked together in Of Arizona. We have continuously developed and matured the Agent-Based Simulation System idea put forward by Hocaoğlu in 2001, and this infrastructure is used in many products and projects today.

Saves time

You are the expert in your field. You don’t have to think about simulation basics. You can easily develop your models with AdSiF IDE, which is a graphical model development environment. You can even use, extend or replace older models for your applications.

Excellent Features

AdSiF supports every requirement for a simulation application. You can even control the simulation engine itself within a simulation or modify/improve your models during the simulation runtime.


AdSiF is domain independent. You can develop any simulation you can imagine. It could be related to finance, autonomous cars, aviation or social movements.


You can import already developed models and easily integrate with GIS tools, IG tools or AI algorithms. Thanks to the RPR-FOM adapter, you can easily run different simulations together.

We have worked or are working with almost all the big companies of the Turkish Defense Industry.

  • Development of simulation applications
  • Modeling, model development
  • Simulation-based event analysis
  • Radar cross section analysis software
  • Radar visibility reduction
  • Fake passive RF target design and manufacture
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