AgeRAS - AgenaBST



In order to increase the effectiveness of any platform or ammunition developed today on the battlefield, it is necessary to reduce its visibility against radar. Radar stealth studies start with knowing the radar track of a platform, and then the following measures can be developed:

  • Shape changes can be made on newly developed platforms
  • Certain areas of the platforms may be covered with radar absorbing materials, or
  • Tactics for approaching the target can be developed for the platform.

AGERAS is a software that has been developed since 2003 and produces the necessary data for all these activities by analyzing the radar trace of a platform.


For a platform with AGERAS software

  • Radar Section Area (RCA) calculations
  • Detection of strong scattering regions
  • Determination of induced surface currents
  • Effects of surface coatings with various materials
  • Creation of ISAR images
  • Range profile extraction
  • Determination of polarimetric properties of reflections

can be done.


Techniques used within the scope of AGERAS;

  • Mixed geometric optics and physical optics
  • Diffraction theories
  • Multiple reflection
  • Shading
  • Instant doppler approaches


  • It is a Windows based software.
  • Accepts platform models in various CAD formats.
  • Allows sharing of parts between models.
  • It allows the definition of all kinds of coating materials.
  • It enables the creation of coating types consisting of material layers.
  • Allows the user to monitor the ray tracing.
  • It can work in parallel with a single machine or a cluster over the network.
  • It can output the results in XML format.
  • Allows setting of projects or results accessible to each user.
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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

