RSC Services

1. RCS Analysis and Radar Visibility Reduction (Stealth)

In order to increase the effectiveness of any platform or ammunition developed today on the battlefield, it is necessary to reduce its visibility against radar. Radar stealth studies start with knowing the radar track of a platform and then

  • shape change on newly developed platforms,
  • covering certain areas of platforms with radar absorbing materials or
  • approach tacticsgibi tedbirler geliştirilebilir.

For a platform whose solid model is given within the scope of RCS analysis and radar visibility reduction services

  • Radar Cross Section (RCS) calculations for each viewpoint and frequency
  • Detection of strong scattering regions
  • Determination of induced surface currents
  • Effects of surface coatings with various materials
  • Range profile extraction
  • Determination of polarimetric properties of reflections

By doing this, the radar trace of the platforms can be determined completely. The results are reported and recommendations for reducing the platform’s RCS are presented.

RCS reduction studies have been carried out for different defense industry companies to date. In the RCS reduction analyses, the regions of the geometries that contribute high to the RCS were determined spatially and quantitatively on the surfaces, and design studies were supported by presenting suggestions for reduction. After the mechanical design was finalized, the analyzes were repeated and it was determined how much Radar Absorbing Paint (RSB) would be appropriate to apply to which regions. By taking into account the constraints of the RSB to be applied, such as weight, cost, workmanship, and functionality, the best stealth is achieved. RSB application and RCS measurements were made together with our subcontractors, and the project was terminated.


The RCS report requested by the Navy in the tenders can also be prepared within the framework of this service.

2. RCS Education

Agena BST is proud to share its radar cross-sectional area (RCS) expertise with the industry. RCS, which is a measure of an object’s visibility to radar, is a complex phenomenon that depends on many parameters. For this reason, Agena BST has organized a training program in order to inform every segment related to the subject.

2.1 Target Audience

Sectors expected to benefit from the training:

  • Military platform manufacturers – in the design phase
  • Existing platform owners – in mission planning and operations phases
  • Material, coating and camouflage net manufacturers – in product customization and application phases
  • Radar operators – in mission execution

will benefit from this training content. It is preferred, but not required, that the people who will participate in the training have an engineering education.

2.2 Training Content

The training content covers the following topics. Subject headings and contents can be rearranged depending on the need.

  • Radar equation and RCS definition
  • Basic scattering mechanisms and regimes
  • RCS calculation methods
  • RCS calculation of simple objects (application)
  • Equivalence principle
  • Scattering centers and induced surface currents
  • RCS reduction techniques – I: Geometric Methods
  • Radar absorbing materials and coatings
  • RCS reduction techniques – II: Coating methods
  • Detection of RCS according to radar types
  • Detection and false alarm possibilities

2.3 Training Duration

The prescribed training period for the content given above is 3 days. Content and duration can be adjusted optionally.

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