Kolubri - AgenaBST



Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be rotary-wing fixed-wing and hybrid. In addition to its easy design, rotary-wing UAVs offer easy landing and take-off without the need for a large area or runway, reducing speed and hovering in the air, and high maneuverability. However, their usage areas are limited due to their low speed, low range, short airtime and low carrying capacity.

Fixed-wing UAVs, on the other hand, provide high speed, high range, high altitude, high payload capacity and long airtime, but their design requires serious knowledge and experience, take-off and landing difficulty (large area or runway requirement), inability to reduce their speed below a certain value and in the air. its inability to hang limits its production and use.

Kolubri, which can have the advantages of both rotary wing and fixed wing UAVs, presents a structure free from the disadvantages of both classes.

The biggest challenge that can be encountered in this type of UAV is that it requires high-level electronic and software technology knowledge and experience, as well as design and manufacturing difficulties. AgenaBST, with its knowledge and experience, has overcome this difficulty and has succeeded in developing the VTOL (Vertical Take Off Landing) UAV.


  • 90 – 160 cm wingspan
  • 3 – 8 kg take-off weight
  • Carbon fabric coating and
  • Crash resistant body


  • Low drag (in horizontal flight)
  • Dual purpose elevon control surfaces
  • Two front engines
  • High maneuverability
  • Easy take off (Hand or tail)
  • Easy autonomous landing (on tail)
  • Emergency landing even with a single engine


  • 1500 m altitude
  • 150 km/h speed
  • 50 km range
  • 30 min airtime


  • Front and bottom cameras
  • Manual/automatic switching between cameras
  • Autonomous task execution capability
  • Manual, stabilized, autonomous flight control capability
  • Secure communication with encryption


  • Laptop, tablet or PC
  • Radio and/or GSM telemetry
  • Analog/Digital FPV image support
  • 20 UAV swarm capabilities
  • Yandex/Google map support
  • Possibility of remote intervention to parameters, tasks and commands
  • Telemetry recording, playback, logging
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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


