Crab (YenGeç) - AgenaBST

Crab (YenGeç)


Multipurpose quad-rotor rotary wing UAV.

The UAV with a take-off weight of 3 kg can stay in the air for 20 to 40 minutes. With different battery configurations from 1 to 5, the airtime can be adjusted according to the purpose.

YenGeç, which supports manual, stabilized and autonomous flight methods, can be controlled from a distance of 5 km. Crab, which can be installed with 2 cameras, can transmit live video via GSM telemetry. The positional error of the UAV, which can perform scenario definition and flight control with the ground station software on any computer connected to the Internet, is 4m.

Maximum altitude: 2km

Maximum Speed: 50 km/h

Wind resistance: 30 km/h

Battery: 1 – 5 10 Ah Li-Po

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

